We offer custom-made language tuition to professionals who have an interest in German. May that be to meet job or study requirements or to grow more familiar with their German environment.
According to your needs and the time you have at your disposal we set the objectives together with you
• What situations at your workplace or in your everyday life would you like to master in German
• Which communication channels would you like to improve receptively and productively (e.g. telephone, e-mail, face-to-face, reading, writing, listening, speaking)
Together we assess your learner type and develop a strategy for you, fine-tuning both the teaching method and the choice of media to your requirements. We know that the joy of learning goes hand-in-hand with good progress. So we make sure that you use your learning time effectively. We like to complement one-to-one lessons with coaching at your workplace in regular intervals. The better we understand your world the more we focus on situations from your context. You will be able to apply immediately what you've learned and thereby acquire your very own repertory of German.
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