
  • Management and Intercultural Communication: India


  • Interkulturelle Führungskompetenz: Erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten mit Mitarbeitern aus anderen Kulturen


Jobcenter Ebersberg
  • Analysis of the integration of refugees in the administrative district of Ebersberg
  • Intercultural Training: Latin America
  • Intercultural Training: India
  • Intercultural Training: South Africa
  • Intercultural Training Germany: How to do business with Germans (for Managers from India, Latin America, Aserbaijan and PR China)
CPUT - Cape Peninsula University of Technology


  • Workshops on Project Management and Soft Skills for Engineering & IT Students


Article about the Project (May 2016)

Article about the Project (February 2015)

Messe München
  • Intercultural Competence - dealing successfully in an international context
  • Intercultural Management South Africa
  • Intercultural Management Latin America - focus on Brazil
  • Jing Mu (Cooperating Partner of the Munich Trade Fair international), Cultural differences between China & Western Europe, Do's and Don'ts for fairs and events
  • Macroeconomic Seminar: Arabian Gulf Countries and Iran
  • India - Nation of Contradictions
  • Alliance for developping Competence in Managing Natural Resources
  • Adult Education and Didactical Planning of Training
  • Techniques of Presentation and Communication
  • Intercultural Management and Communication/Conflict Management
German Association for International Collaboration (GIZ)
  • Fit for doing Business in China: Seminar for specialist and executive staff
  • Management of Joint Ventures for Alumni in India and Vietnam
  • Train the Trainer for Forestry Management (Costa Rica / Ecuador)
  • Governance and REDD+ (Costa Rica / Ecuador)
  • Intercultural Management: India
  • Intercultural Management: China
  • Intercultural Competence
Fremdsprachenschule Landshut
  • Introductory seminar: Intercultural Competence PR China for students of Language School Landshut
  • Seminar for Integration: Living and Working in Germany for Experts from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe
  • Intercultural Competence for University Students from Malaysia: Efficiency in Learning, Presentation Techniques and Preparation for University Exams
  • Management Training for Managers from South Africa and West Africa in the field of Renewable Energy in Cooperation with "The University of Applied Management Science in Erding".
  • Intercultural Competence Training for the Police Force in Leipzig in Preparation for Football Worldcup 2006
Bavarian Ministery of Education
  • Train the Trainer Seminar: Alternative methods to "PowerPoint" and communication tools for dealing with demanding /difficult participants


  • Train the Trainer for Evaluators
  • Didactical and Participative Methods in Adult Education
engagement global
  • Facilitating of the International Starting Workshop in Costa Rica:
  • 50 Communal Climate Partnerships by the Year 2015
  • Intercultural Competence for the German Armee
  • International Fair for Training, Costa Rica
  • The ABC of international Teams: Intercultural Workshop
  • Toolbox for Participative Events and Marketplace for Information
Universität Qingdao/VR China
  • Block Seminars for the Bachelor Degree Program in "Intercultural German Language and Literature Studies"
  • Block Seminars for the Master Degree Program in "Intercultural German Language and Literature Studies"
Volkshochschule Landshut
  • Intercultural Training: India
  • Alliance for developping competence in managing natural resources
  • Adult Education and didactical planning of training
  • Facilitation and communication tools
  • Intercultural management and communication / conflict communication
  • Alliance for developping competence in managing natural resources
  • Adult Education and didactical planning of training
  • Facilitation and communication tools
  • Intercultural management and communication / conflict communication
  • Alliance for developping competence in managing natural resources
  • Adult Education and didactical planning of training
  • Facilitation and communication tools
  • Intercultural management and communication / conflict communication
kath. Schulwerk in Bayern
  • How to solve Conflicts within School: The Role of the Headmaster as Mediator
  • Communicating successfully in difficult discussions
  • Communication tools for external evaluators at catholic schools
  • Project Management
  • Practical instruction for teachers teaching Project Seminars
Kinderschutz e..V.
  • Seminar for Kindergarden Staff: Constructive Dialogue with Parents in a multi-ethnic Setting
Pater Rupert-Mayer-Gymnasium
  • Seminar for Teachers: Constructive Dialogue with Parents
Klenze Gymnasium München
  • Project Management
Pädagiogisches Institut
  • Project Management in schools
Ludwig Steub Grundschule Aichach
  • Coaching: how to run a successfull school project
  • Project: Developping a common vision for our school